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Electronic access controls mean that any uncontrolled use and activation of all the equipment in our vehicle fleet is a thing of the past. Our primary aim here is to secure the equipment against misuse by excluding any unauthorised operation. Due to the high turnover of temporary workers and use of school pupils and students during holiday periods, a new system to organise employees authorised to drive the vehicles was needed to avoid any possible injuries and property damage, as well as to protect the company against any criminal penalties and regulatory infringements.

A simple chip system
It is usually sufficient to shut down the drive system by removing the key. However, this has proven difficult on a daily basis because all of the vehicles are used as part of a vehicle pool.    

This is why we decided to implement a simple RFID system (Radio Frequency Identification). Each chip can be individually programmed with the specific settings for the relevant employee. RFID transponders that were already being used for the time and attendance system and access controls are also utilised for this purpose.

Alongside the key-less identification of the driver, this solution also provides some new functions. For example, it makes sense to limit the validity of an employee’s authorisation to drive vehicles in the case of agency and temporary workers: Their authorisation is thus automatically removed after a certain date entered in the system. This function can also be used, for example, to ensure that drivers complete their annual safety training.